The Best American Poetry 2020.David Lehman, Paisley Rekdal


The Best American Poetry 2020


ISBN:9781982106614 |304 pages |8 Mb
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  • The Best American Poetry 2020
  • David Lehman, Paisley Rekdal
  • Page:304
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN:9781982106614
  • Publisher:Scribner
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The 2020 edition of contemporary American poetry returns, guest edited by Paisley Rekdal, the award-winning poet and author of Nightingale, proving that this is “a ‘best’ anthology that really lives up to its title” (Chicago Tribune). Since 1988, The Best American Poetry anthology series has been “one of the mainstays of the poetry publication world” (Academy of American Poets). Each volume in the series presents some of the year’s most remarkable poems and poets. Now, the 2020 edition is guest edited by Utah’s Poet Laureate Paisely Rekdal, called “a poet of observation and history...[who] revels in detail but writes vast, moral poems that help us live in a world of contraries” by the Los Angeles Times. In The Best American Poetry 2020, she has selected a fascinating array of work that speaks eloquently to the “contraries” of our present moment in time.

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The 2020 edition of contemporary American poetry returns, guest edited by Paisley Rekdal, the award-winning poet and author of Nightingale, proving that this  The Best American Poetry 2020 (The Best -
The 2020 edition of contemporary American poetry returns, guest edited by Paisley Rekdal, the award-winning poet and author of Nightingale, proving that this  Poetry Readings - The Best American Poetry
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The 2020 edition of contemporary American poetry returns, guest edited by Paisley Rekdal, the award-winning poet and author of Nightingale, proving that this  The Best American Poetry 2020 9781982106607 | eBay
The 2020 edition of contemporary American poetry returns, guest edited by Paisley Rekdal, the award-winning poet and author of Nightingale , proving that this is "